Sunday, May 23, 2010

MVC 2010

which stands for Malokarpatska Vinna Cesta (Small Carpathian Wine Route).
which is two day event where you wisit wine cellars and wineries, tasting the best of local wines.
I was really busy, but here are few crappy cellphone pics.
at Mrva and Stanko winery entrance:
Vinarstvo Dolany Barrique cellar:
Barrique barrels:
some wine cellar in Dolany, IIRC:

In Vino, insane building, kickass interior design, bad wine:
we visited many other cellars and wineries, but all following photos have motion blur :D
my personal choice of wines:
I'm really looking foreward to autumn MVC, because many displayed wines were not in bottles to buy yet.

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