Tuesday, February 16, 2010

tools and stuff

hi there, update is here. not really.

I wanted to go to garage today, but I ended late in work.
and on top of that I run out of wire wheel brushes, so I must end early tomorrow and don't miss closing hours of tool shop.

but don't worry, I promised post about tools that I'm using, so I made pics in advance.

starting with electric tools, there is angle grinder with cutting and grinding discs.
I have also Dremel that is kind of handy in narrow spaces.
what reminds me that I must buy some grinding stones, cutting discs and some wire brushes for Dremel too.
next are my manual tools of choice.
meter and magic-marker for obvious things, but other four are multipurpose tools.
wire brush for cleaning welds and other stuff.
old screwdriver as chisel, holder of steel that I'm welding, and for picking seam sealer and other stuff.
pliers for cutting welding wire.
and my only and treasured hammer for forming steel.
here's my trusty welder.
and it won't be complete without protection things.
good gloves are essential. leather gloves for welding, because I won't burn my hands, and cloth gloves with rubber palms for working with metal and tools.
welding helmet with auto-darkening, dust mask and ear plugs, when you won't lose one of your senses earlier than in sixty.
all previously mentioned tools I'm using every time when I'm repairing Starlet.
any of them isn't expensive or something, so when you have place, time and hands, you can repair bodyshell.
and you'll learn things as you are working through your own hands, it's not like rocket science or skill you born with.

last thing, working on car must be FUN, so enjoy it.

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